MacGyver-like, Handey made a nuclear bomb of comedy out of the verbal equivalent of a paper clip. The closest I’ve ever come is probably ‘The crows seemed to be calling his name, thought Caw.’” The “peace” line is even more compact. Which is why ‘Take my wife, please’ is such a great joke. To get a laugh with the fewest number of words possible. This joke should be particularly pleasing to Handey himself, based on something he said to the New York Times: “Brevity is a big factor for me in a stand-alone joke. I dare you to write such a short, plain, ridiculous line. The language is simple, and the contradiction is massive. The line isn’t iambic pentameter, but the ten syllables give it that Shakespearian feel. It has a perfect setup and punchline, which are exactly the same length, creating a pleasing symmetry: five syllables of set-up and five syllables of punchline. The entire “Martian” piece is great, but the line “I came here in peace, seeking gold and slaves” is even better on its own. And that idea is: me chasing you with a big wooden mallet.” In its context, “I came here in peace, seeking gold and slaves” might be the most deluded, deranged line out of a masterpiece of deluded derangement. This is a typical passage: “You may kill me, either on purpose or by not making sure that all the surfaces in my cage are safe to lick. This joke is one of many self-contradicting, demented lines from this essay/monologue, in which the narrator is trapped in a cage, taunting and threatening some Martians, while unknowingly proving that he deserves to be in that cage. This is the joke: “I came here in peace, seeking gold and slaves.” So what’s his best joke? For me, it’s not one of his Deep Thoughts, but a line from his humor piece “What I’d Say to the Martians,” which you can find in the book of the same name. It’s all part of the beautiful circle of life.”Ī New York Times article by Dan Kois proclaimed “Jack Handey is the Envy of Every Comedy Writer in America.” Amen. Then the monkey gets a parasite from the moth that slowly eats his brain. Then the monkey eats the giant moth, pulling the wings off first, because he doesn’t like that part. Then the giant moth sucks the life out of the bat. “In the jungle you come to realize that death is a part of life. Some of the jokes are layered like a wedding cake of absurdity: Though technically a novel, Handey’s new book The Stench of Honolulu: A Tropical Adventure is the equivalent of 50 new Deep Thoughts books. I’ve wondered where this started, and I think it goes back to the time I went to the circus and a clown killed my dad.” His Deep Thoughts-which aired on Saturday Night Live in the ‘90s-comprise one of the best collections of jokes ever written, particularly when they spoof psychobabble or heartfelt confessions, like so: “To me, clowns aren’t funny. Though his name famously sounds made-up, Jack Handey is a real master joke writer.